🪷The Five Yama’s

Ahimsa: Non-violence. We do not hurt ourselves or others. This includes mental, verbal or physical violence. Our thoughts become words, our words become actions.

Satya: Truthfulness. We are truthful to ourselves & to others. Being honest with ourselves separates us from the ego. We honor our limits whether they are physical, mental or emotional.

Asteya: Non-stealing. We are giving towards ourselves & live a life of integrity. We live in the present & do not rob ourselves or others of peace.

Brahmacharya: Celibacy (not specifically sexual), Moderation & Restriction. The right use of energy. Focusing energy inwards can increase our peace & happiness & decrease dissatisfaction & wanting.

Aparigraha: Non-greed, non-grasping. Only take what you need & let the rest go. Non-attachment to outcomes, focusing on the action itself. Do good for the sake of good, not for the reward.