The book, Yoga Sutras, was compiled by the sage Patanjali over 2,500 years ago. In it, the 8 limbs (ashtanga) of yoga were introduced. These limbs can help you find a more fulfilling & purposeful life with daily practice.
Limb 1: Yama – having self control, cultivating a life of integrity, & how we relate to the world. There are 5 Yama’s: Ahimsa, Satya, Asteya, Brahmacharya, Aparigraha.
Limb 2: Niyama – taking care of & uplifting ourselves, how we relate to ourselves. There are 5 Niyama’s: Saucha, Santosha, Tapas, Svadhyaya, Ishvara Pranidhana.
Limb 3: Asana – the physical postures of balancing ease & effort. It purifies the body for the other limbs of yoga.
Limb 4: Pranayama – enhancing vitality & energy using deliberate awareness in controlling the breath.
Limb 5: Pratyahara – withdrawal of the senses, guiding ourselves inward to prevent over stimulation.
Limb 6: Dharana – Concentration, stillness, absorption. Establishing a single focal point within ourselves (Drishti).
Limb 7: Dhyama – Meditation. Sustained Focus, connecting to our true self.
Limb 8: Samadhi – Enlightenment. Freedom from illusions. Understanding the true self.
The 8 limbs of Yoga are guidelines to come back to our true selves & it can be hard work. Come practice with us! You are worth it!
Yoga Sutra 1.14 – Practice becomes firmly instilled when we practice consistently, intentionally & for a long period of time.